If you are facing criminal charges, the stakes are too high to try to handle your case on your own. A Norwell criminal defense lawyer does not just come in handy at trial. From the time you are arrested, law enforcement will build a criminal case against you. If you take this lightly, you might step into the trap they set up for you. While you can decide to defend yourself, below are reasons you should consider hiring a criminal defense attorney:

Get Guidance When You Talk to Law Enforcement

If you are accused of committing a crime, sitting down with police and answering questions may not be in your best interest. Police will always look for opportunities to question you. Sometimes, they may tell you that answering their questions is a chance to clear your name. However, the truth is that they only want to elicit a confession or get you to say something that incriminates yourself. An experienced defense lawyer can help you understand the consequences of talking to the police and guide you on the steps to take.

Criminal Courts Have Complicated Rules

If you choose to defend yourself in a criminal case, you will be treated like a lawyer in court. The court does not have special rules for this type of situation. Also, you will need to meet several deadlines and abide by some rules. Failing to do so could lead to an unfavorable outcome in your case. Missing deadlines can stop you from developing a defense strategy to win your case. without knowledge of the rules that surround the admission of evidence, you might not be able to use the evidence the prosecution has. 

Depend on the Experience of a Lawyer

Even if you are educated about the laws that surround your case, you cannot pick up the experience an attorney has in practicing law or handling a case at trial. Such experience is essential because courts have unspoken rules and norms that can only be learned from experience. For instance, you will only know if the plea offer of the prosecution is fair or more serious than you would get at trial if you have first-hand experience. 

A criminal defense attorney who has trial experience with the specific judge who handles your case can offer useful insights. Judges are different and a lot of them have several approaches to criminal trials. Also, your lawyer may have insights into whether a judge is strict during sentencing or if they have an extraordinary view of the evidence that they can admit. 

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