A growing number of drivers lack insurance. A legitimate question arises: in an accident with an uninsured third party, what happens in terms of compensation if they are responsible? Lehmbecker Law Firm for example, a Simple and tailor-made neo-insurance, takes stock of the issue.

What About Property Damage Caused By An Uninsured Driver?

Your insurance in the event of a car accident with an uninsured and responsible driver covers your property damage, but only if you have comprehensive insurance. This, after deduction of the franchise, of course. Your insurer then turns against the driver of the uninsured vehicle, who is responsible, to be reimbursed. And if you have third-party insurance, you are compensated. 

What About Bodily Injury Caused By An Uninsured Driver

In the event of bodily injury following an accident with an uninsured and responsible vehicle, your insurance does not intervene. In this situation, it is your compensation. The latter then turns against the person responsible for the accident to recover the sums paid for your benefit.

This is how an uninsured driver responsible for an accident may have to pay for his entire life, depending on the severity of the bodily injuries suffered by the victims.

Accident with an uninsured driver, what does your car insurance cover?

Learn what to do if hit by an uninsured driver: If you are the victim of a road accident with an uninsured driver while you are insured, your car insurance can cover the material damage. This is particularly true for drivers who have taken out an “all risks” car insurance contract. (the auto insurance plan that offers you the best protection). In such a situation, you are therefore covered by your car insurance. However, you will have to pay the excess provided in your contract. For third-party insured drivers, it is very rare for car insurance to pay compensation. In this case, it is, therefore, the Compulsory Insurance Guarantee Fund which takes over. However, your car insurance remains your preferred contact to help you with the steps to follow. Note that in the case of bodily injury, the Compulsory Insurance Guarantee Fund is automatically responsible for questions of compensation for victims. Whatever the situation,

What About The Uninsured Driver?

Driving a vehicle without insurance is an offense punishable by law. Any driver who drives without car insurance is exposed, without even having committed an accident, to sanctions ranging from a simple fine to the cancellation of their driver’s license with a ban on driving certain vehicles for 5 years. In an at-fault accident, the Compulsory Insurance Guarantee Fund is also entitled to take action against the uninsured driver. The latter may then be required to reimburse the compensation paid to the accident victims. As you will have understood, it is better to think about being well-insured before getting behind the wheel. 

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