Financial exploitation happens everywhere, primarily when bank accounts and monetary resources are managed by someone else. In some cases, financial abuse can involve physical violence or blackmail for the sake of money in return. 

A nursing home should be where the elderly are welcomed, adequately taken care of, and provided with healthy food. If a nursing home uses the act of financial abuse on any elderly at their place, then they are subjected to be reported for violation. Therefore, in such cases, getting in touch with a nursing home neglect lawyer will be helpful since only an attorney can provide lawful advice on infringements.

Even if a family member of an elderly who is staying at a nursing home suspects that there is financial abuse within the place, he can investigate with the help of an attorney.

Be aware of these financial abuses in a nursing home:

Abuse in any form is intolerable and should be punished strictly by law. The following are some of the common financial abuse that takes place at a nursing home. 

  1. Misuse of bank accounts by the staff: 

Since the credit card information and checkbook details of the elderly at the nursing home are held by a staff member, they might misuse it for their own purchase and cover-up bills. Sometimes, the staff can go to the extent of writing an unauthorized check with a forged signature of the respective elderly.

  1. Common theft actions: 

In a nursing home, there is no room for privacy since the elderly have to be looked after every once in a while, the place becomes vulnerable for staff to steal easily. Since several staff members do frequent visits, it can be hard to catch hold of when the theft has happened. 

  1. Taking power over an elderly’s assets: 

In some cases, a desperate staff would try to take ownership over an elderly’s personal assets, which are financially valuable, such as a car, house, etc., simply by handing over irrelevant forms to get their signature.

  1. Influencing financially: 

There are situations where staff will show fake affection towards an elderly and influence them in making financial choices in favor of the team wherein the elderly would feel compassion about the staff’s personal struggle and help them with monetary resources, including covering their expenses and bills.

Therefore, if you have put an elderly from your family at a nursing home, it is crucial for you to check with them about their well-being regularly. In case you notice anything suspicious, contact a lawyer immediately. 

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